New ADR driver exam procedure from 2024

Important changes to ADR driver certification exam procedure from January 1, 2024

We are pleased to bring you important news about the upcoming changes to the ADR driver examination process, which will be in force in the Flemish Region from 1 January 2024. These changes are intended to make the process more efficient and flexible, while ensuring that the quality of the exam is maintained.

What will change?

From 1 January 2024, the written Dutch-language ADR driver exams will be fully digitised and organised by GOCA Flanders on behalf of the Flemish Government Mobiliteit Openbare Werken (MOW) – Team ADR. Here are the main changes:

  1. Flexible exam days: From now on, the exams will take place during the week at one of the 16 GOCA exam centres, so that it can be chosen which time between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. best suits the ADR driver concerned. This means that the exams are no longer limited to Saturdays.
  2. Unchanged structure: The exam structure remains the same, i.e. with “open book” and a duration of 90 minutes per ADR category (basic & retraining colli vs tanker transport).
  3. Registration in My Citizen Profile (“Mijn Burgerprofiel”): ADR driver exams and training courses will be linked in My Citizen Profile, allowing one to access one’s personal training history at all times.
  4. Inscription: As of 1 January 2024, registration with one of the Flemish GOCA examination centres can be done by both the employer and the employee using the national registration number. The addresses can be found via Examination Centres (
  5. Exception for Brussels: In Brussels, Dutch-language ADR examinations on Saturdays will still be possible via ITLB, applying current exam methodology. This remains unchanged for the time being.
  6. Immediate results: Upon completion of the exam, the result becomes immediately available. If successfully passed, a new ADR certificate will be generated within 2 weeks and sent to the ADR driver concerned by registered mail.



Payment is made by the participant on site in cash or via bank contact.

€97/per part + €25 creation/sending certificate.


One should note that these changes only apply to Dutch-language exams. The procedure for French-language exams will remain unchanged for the time being and will still be chosen and requested by us, the ADR training centre concerned.

We hope these innovations will contribute to a smoother and more user-friendly exam experience. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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