External contributions

Find out which subsidies you qualify for

Did you know that your company may be eligible for one or more training subsidies?

Up to 30% off


VVV, DGT, and DGT CONSULTANCY are recognized by the Flemish government as training service providers. Requests can be made up to 14 days after the date of the course. Each provider has an authorization number: DV.O101420, DV.O105618, and DV.O105796 respectively. DGT CONSULTANCY is recognized specifically for seminars and corporate training.

Up to 80% off

Sociaal Fonds Transport en Logistiek

Employees registered as "workers" in the RSZ category 083 can receive a subsidy from the Social Fund for Transport and Logistics (SFTL). The SFTL assists workers in the sector in paying for training costs for courses such as ADR and driver refresher courses.



Are you an employee and want to retrain or learn something? Then you are entitled to a training credit. This credit consists of time and resources to follow training courses. It includes Flemish training leave, training vouchers, training credit and care credit with a training motive.


FVB-FFC constructiv en Vormelek - Volta

Constructiv is the Fund for Vocational Training in the Construction Industry. Volta pays a premium to the employer who falls under the PSC 149.01 (RSZ prefix 067 or 467) for every worker who follows a non-company specific training with the Vormelek label (training of at least 3 hours, between 7am and 5pm).

Request for quote

Request a quote below for custom corporate training or for an external safety advisor. We will respond as soon as possible.