DGT Dangerous Goods Training vzw Dangerous Goods Training & Consultancy bvba (courses and seminar)

1. The Course

1.1. All courses of DGT Dangerous Goods Training vzw and/or Dangerous Goods Training & consultancy bvba (hereinafter referred to as “DGT”) are organized for the target groups described in the registration form or, if there are any, in (an) agreement(s) and aim to increase the knowledge and understanding of (a) specific subject(s) described in the registration form or the agreement(s) among that target group, to the best of their ability.

1.2. The course is provided by qualified teachers. 1.3. DGT may entrust the implementation of a course to persons other than those quoted in the registration form, but with similar qualifications.

2. Registration fee and payment

2.1. The registration fee must be paid before the date of the start of the course to the bank account number indicated on the invoice. DGT reserves the right to refuse a student access to the course if the registration fee has not been paid on time.

2.2. In the event of late payment of the registration price, from the 30th day after the invoice date and without prior notice of default, late payment interest equal to the statutory interest will be payable, plus 2%. Also, by operation of law and without prior notice of default, a fixed compensation amounting to 10% of the invoice amount is due, with a minimum of € 100 as compensation.

3. Cancellation

3.1. Written cancellations received by DGT at the latest on the 15th calendar day before the date of the training will be refunded. The cancellation costs always amount to 15% of the registration price, with a minimum of € 50 (excl. VAT), even if no payment has yet been made. From the 14th calendar day before the date of the training, the full amount remains due, regardless of the reason for the cancellation.

4. Other participant

4.1. If the registered person is unexpectedly unable to attend, someone else can take his place. The details of the replacement must be provided to DGT at least 24 hours before the course.

5. Change of location

5.1. In principle, the training sessions are held at the location indicated in the registration form. However, DGT reserves the right to hold the training at a different location. The training courses can, among other things, be canceled by DGT up to 5 working days prior to the date of the relevant activity in the absence of sufficient participants. The registration fees already received will then be refunded to the respective registrants unless DGT decides to organize the training at a later date and/or in another location while retaining the registration members. DGT will of course inform the tenderers in good time of this intention, whereby the provisions relating to the cancellation of the registration with respect to the new training date will continue to apply.

6. Personal data

6.1. The personal data of the student is included in the DGT data file. On the one hand, these data are necessary for the preparation of the certificates of participation in the training, administrative processing or, where appropriate, they will be transferred to the government and/or to an examination board recognized by the government for further processing of the file. DGT declares that this data will not be passed on to unauthorized parties. The data is stored by DGT for a period of at least 5 years, unless a legal regulation prescribes a longer retention period.

7. Varia

7.1. Any delay in the performance of the assignment, change of speaker and/or location by DGT cannot give rise to the payment of compensation.

7.2. DGT’s liability is excluded for any loss of damage, directly or indirectly caused by or as a result of incorrect or negligent performance of the training, unless the enrollee proves that this is due to a gross error. In that case, the liability is limited to 5 times the registration amount paid for the training, with a maximum of € 2,500.

7.3. The entrant undertakes to indemnify DGT against all possible damage and all possible claims from third parties that have arisen during or on the occasion of the training as a result of any act, including faultless, on the part of the entrant or his appointee. If the training is held on the tenderer’s own premises, the tenderer undertakes to insure his/her liability in this respect with an insurance company recognized in Belgium and to provide proof of this upon first request.

7.4. Any complaint or claim against DGT will be processed within a period of 8 calendar days following the effective implementation of the training – otherwise legal forfeiture of rights will occur.

7.5. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, Belgian law applies to all assignments accepted and executed by DGT.

7.6. All possible disputes between the tenderer and/or its appointee and DGT will be settled amicably between the parties. In the absence of an amicable settlement, the dispute will be submitted to the courts of Ghent, which have exclusive jurisdiction.

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